Antarean is a Group of Helix Empire rebels who discovered the Planet Cradle and quickly began colonizing it, While the Helix empire was involved in all its wars and Squabbles, Antaria built the entire planet into an Enormous City worthy of replacing its Predecessor Dimencules. The Capitol of Cradle is Called New Haven, but the 'Empire' only has one standing fleet, because they have made a Device called the Suynan Defense Point Grid, which upon detecting energy spike of most weapons, including certain Planet-annihilating weapons, it'll release a Frequency that messes with the compontents of most of said weapons and renders them useless, the only way to effectively Destroy Cradle is to invade it with transports and fight them on the ground and destroy the Power-Temple, that uses its massive energy grid to power the Suynan Grid.
The Antarean Planet, Cradle, With its Defense Grid now fully-functional
Cradle Closer View
Power-Temple in the Background
Antarean's Military is mostly ground based, and they use plasma-induced weapons, including a Form of a Plasma Blade that takes on the form of a Light-blade. They base all their technological advancement off their predecessor's or their enemies.
Most Antarean's have decided to take on a Darker aspect, believing in Dark Gods that will let them have revenge upon the Helix Empire, so they have tattooed or painted themselves in ways to make themselves appeal to their Dark Gods.
The Empire is controlled by an Emperor and his Council of Lords.
Emperor Malak
Lordess Valneh
Lordess Sonya
Lords Galean
Lord Scion
Lordess Bastila
Lord Janus, Receiing a Message from Another Secret Lord
Zasz Sarum, Ex-Lord, Now assassin
Antarean First Fleet
Antarean Crusader Marine
Battle Master Orlan
Antarean Stalker
Antarean Shocktrooper
Antarean 'Wraiths'
Vaughan, Cloaker-Mech
Close-combat 'Culverin' Mech