this may seem unneeded to some people. but i scoured the forum for fun and found some atomic quotes on world of warcraft and how much he hated it. so, as a previous player of world of warcraft, I would like to share my two cents on the topic.
The first thing is, world of warcraft isnt "addictive" to me (maybe to others). Theres never a time playing and having to get off with me saying "this is ridiculous! i was so close to level __! I HAVE TO GET BACK ON FOR MY CLAN!" and shit like that. I played casually and enjoyed it. Just because a game is an MMO with a subscription doesnt automatically mean it addicts you and forces you to play for long times. So, why does everyone stereotype it?
The only reasons i can figure out is because its so successful and everything successful has people who want to make it look bad (just look at comments on Farmville.),And also because the media stereotypes people who play it as geeks and virgins who are completely addicted to it and cannot quit no matter how hard they want to. Search the WoW freakout on youtube. Its things like that that make stereotypes that all WoW players are nerds and addicted. Thats also why noone believes its fake even though it is.
Also, try playing World of Warcraft. I will wait.
Did it suddenly make you a nerd or a geek, a virgin, and completely addicted to it? No. So does that mean your the only exception? Of course not. Many people play the game casually and are NOT nerds OR addicted.
WoW people also may have bad manners, but isnt that true for a lot of games?
Thats all i have to say. thanks for putting up with my crap.