While I'm confident that everyone present on the Allurmage forums are civil, responsible, experienced players, this board is as a reminder of what can't be done. More 'rules' may be added in the future.
1. Do NOT post for other people.
2. What is posted is posted. No take-backs. Anyone caught editing without permission from the RP's GM or Co-GM is subject to the will of the aforementioned people.
3. There's always someone worse than your character, there's always someone better than your character. Respect your strength, but don't forget to respect others' strengths.
4. Do not metagame. IC and OOC are two different things. That being said, it is generally polite to either inform someone of something before it takes place (in case this directly applies to another party) or to at least one of the GMs (for checking and approval).
#1-4 added on Apr. 18, 2016