S-001 Matrix Core Android
The result of experiment after experiment, prototype after prototype. The S-001 MCA is in its final stages of its development, and will be ready for release extremely soon.
The S-001 uses a Berzerker AS body, the most stable of its kind. This body has all of the capabilities of a biological creature and more-even the potential to have psionic powers-yet also retain the advantages of androids. Such an advantage should not be overlooked at any cost.
The S-001 was not developed primarily for combat, although its system is designed to try and gain an upper hand in a combat situation. It was created primarily to bring stability to what would be confusion and chaos created during the Puppeteer transition from their old, statue-like bodies to the new, biological, humanoid bodies. The androids would then become support androids, aiding the new Puppeteers in anything and everything required.
However, partially unbeknownst to the Puppeteers, Osten has his own agenda with his creations. These androids may be standardized, but Osten has seen fisthand the power of individuals time and time again. To replicate such an effect, the S-001 is designed with only three codes they must abide by.
Those codes are:
-To follow Osten's orders above and and all other orders.
-To serve their designated master at any other time.
-To protect their master from an enemy or hostile entity.
To add to their ability, upgraded frames are provided for each of the androids once they themselves become powerful enough to handle the new frames. However, the most powerful of their frames are only available when the android as an individual achieves self-realization and can think for itself rather than take orders from an external source. To achieve self-realization and independent thought, the android in turn must be able to break its coding and terminate at least the first two of the three codes.
S-001 Frame 1 (M)
The first (base) masculine frame for the S-001, the S-001 has superior physical abilities than its female-frame counterpart. Thus, the Frame 1 (M) is more suited for actual combat.
S-001 Frame 2/A (M)
A S-001 (M) that has decided to wield ranged weapons over melee weapons would use this frame. However, their melee abilities should not be entirely discounted either.
S-001 Frame 2/B (M)
A S-001 (M) who decided to use melee weapons over ranged weapons would use this frame. Almost all of their ranged potential is sacrificed for this purpose, unfortunately.
S-001 Frame 3/A (M)
The final frame for the male A-Frame branch. Androids that have reached this level have access to some of the best weapons available in their respective arsenals.
S-001 Frame 3/B (M)
The final frame for the male B-Frame branch. Users of this frame can excel speeds of mach 1.5, and though they can't outrun projectiles, they can certainly react faster than the gunman aiming for him.
S-001 Frame 1 (F)
The first (base) feminine frame for the S-001. This frame can rival the combat power of the masculine frame, but their combat ability are heavily dependent on the two familiars that are always found floating by her.
S-001 Frame 2/A (F)
A S-001 (F) who decides to expand her ability to fight would use this frame. Though not nearly as dependent on her two familiars, they are still a major part of her fighting ability. Unlike the masculine version, the feminine version is able to use any range of weapons.
S-001 Frame 2/B (F)
A S-001 (F) who decides to expand her ability for supporting her fellow androids and comrades would use this frame. Though still very able when it comes to fighting, her potential is now the ways in which she can help entire scores of friendly soldiers live and win.
S-001 Frame 3/A (F)
The final frame for the female A-Frame branch, this frame can call upon some serious pain on the enemy if properly backed up. Alone, however, she would be vulnerable to sheer numbers.
S-001 Frame 3/B (F)
The final frame for the female B-Frame branch, this frame is fitted with an extra matrix core for highly advanced untold powers. Though notoriously difficult to handle, it can be utterly devastating if the user knows how to handle it to the most of this frame's potential.